Where to Watch & Stream Online

Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made revolves around Timmy Failure, who, along with his 1,500-pound polar bear partner Total, operates a detective agency based in Portland with the name Total Failure Inc. The film has been directed by Tom McCarthy.

Here’s where you can watch the film online.

Where can you watch and stream Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made?

You can watch and stream Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made on Disney Plus. The movie was released on January 25, 2020, and has a runtime of 99 minutes. Timmy, along with his Polar bear and another friend, is on a mission to find his missing segway, which he believes has been stolen by the ‘Russians.’ The movie follows Timmy’s adventures and the ensuing chaos.

The cast includes Winslow Fegley as Timmy Failure, Ophelia Lovibond as Patty Failure, Wallace Shawn as Mr. Crocus, Craig Robinson as Mr. Jenkins, Kyle Bornheimer as Crispin, Ai-Chan Carrier as Corrina Corrina, Chloe Coleman as Molly Moskins, Kei as Rollo Tookus, and others.

How to watch Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made and stream online

You will have to get a subscription to Disney Plus to watch and stream this film. To sign up, open the Disney Plus website on your browser, select “SIGN UP NOW,” enter your email address and password, choose a subscription plan for you to choose from, make your payment, and enjoy streaming the movie.

Disney Plus offers three subscription plans for you to choose from – a basic plan with ads at $7.99 a month, a premium plan ad-free at $10.99 a month, and $109.99 a year.

The official synopsis for the movie reads:

“An 11-year-old boy who believes that he is the best detective in town runs the agency Total Failures with his best friend, an imaginary 1,200-pound polar bear.”

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