X-Men Origins: Wolverine Began Hollywood’s Spin-Off Era | Features

Truth is, “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” was commercially successful but not a big-enough smash to justify the studio continuing in that specific direction for future films. (Plus, it cannot be overstated how much true-blue comic fans despised the movie.) Still, that 2009 film has been discussed more in recent times than it has in years because … Read more

When ‘Bad Boys’ Began, Martin Lawrence Was the Top Dog | Features

The backlash to his improvised routine was swift. Jay Leno canceled Lawrence’s subsequent “Tonight Show” appearance, and the monologue was later released in an edited version on YouTube. But Lawrence, who was known for his raunchy routines, was unapologetic. “If I don’t know anything else, I know what it takes to make a person laugh,” … Read more