The End of the World is Going to be Weird on Prime Video’s Quirky, Clever Adaptation of Fallout

Adapting open-world games can be a great challenge for film and TV creatives because they don’t have the handy-dandy narrative skeleton to convey what made a game so successful. How do you adapt a game with such little storytelling structure to a genre that requires it? Sometimes it baffles creators and the resulting adaptation feels … Read more

Spider-Man 2 Swings into Action with Incredible Gameplay and Clever Storytelling | Video Games

It’s been less than a year since the action of “Miles Morales,” and I’ll admit that the opening couple hours of “Spider-Man 2” are its weakest in that they are overstuffed with tutorials to re-learn all the complex mechanics for not one but two superheroes. While Peter (Yuri Lowenthal) and Miles (Nadji Jeter) have similar … Read more