Zachary Levi brings imagination and mayhem to life in the Harold and the Purple Crayon trailer

Zachary Levi goes full-on Green Lantern using the power of imagination in Sony’s Harold and the Purple Crayon trailer! The limits of imagination run wild in Sony Pictures’ trailer for Harold and the Purple Crayon, starring Zachary Levi as the keeper of a magical crayon able to bring any drawing to life! Based on the beloved … Read more

Harold and the Purple Crayon posters feature Zachary Levi

Zachary Levi is all grown up in the first posters for the live-action adaptation of beloved children’s classic Harold and the Purple Crayon. Harold and the Purple Crayon is a beloved children’s book written and illustrated by Crockett Johnson about a curious four-year-old boy with a magic purple crayon that has the power to make … Read more