25 Movies With Surprising Letterboxd Scores

There’s something fascinating about the human need to quantify subjective opinions. We rate movies with stars (and even half-stars), we give them thumbs up or down, we aggregate their reviews until we determine if they are “certified fresh.” (What could be more authoritative than certified freshness? Who could argue with that?!?) These numbers sometimes fly in the … Read more

Marvel’s Echo is a Short Yet Surprising New Edition to the MCU Canon | TV/Streaming

Her place in the MCU is refreshed for the audience in the form of unnecessarily rehashed flashbacks, whose place in the show are edited in a frankly burdensome way. It points to the central point of contention this show suffers from: Its place in the MCU. Despite this, they do act as a way for … Read more

Surprising Pairs of Movies Released On The Same Day

Film fans will forever remember July 21, 2023, a weekend that shall go down in history for creating one very long and very strange word. Barbenheimer. For reasons I cannot really understand, people became transfixed, even obsessed by the notion that two extremely different (but also very exciting) movies were getting released to theaters on … Read more