Star Wars Holiday Special Tops List of Worst Christmas Movies & TV Shows in New Study

A new study has given the The Star Wars Holiday Special the unfortunate honor of being named as the most “boring” of all Christmas movies, TV shows, and specials. Conducted by Uswitch, the study analyzed IMDb reviews for negative phrases to reveal which titles people apparently liked the least. Perhaps it’s not much of a … Read more

New Star Wars Book Confirms Anakin Ignored Qui-Gon’s Force Ghost During One Crucial Moment

There are few movies that have caused as many heated discussions over the years as Star Wars movies have. With the way certain scenes were filmed, arguments have happened about just what happened during those scenes. And for the most part, many of those “did he or didn’t he?” moments remain unanswered. But now, a … Read more

‘Star Wars’ Unveils First Look at ‘Young Jedi Adventures’ Series

after The Mandalorian finishes its third season run, the mantle of the next ongoing Star Wars show on Disney+ shall be passed to a new generation of younglings or foundlings or yuenglings or whatever they call kids in Star Wars lately. Yes, the next Disney+ Star Wars series is titled Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventuresan … Read more