Why Is Tom Hanks De-Aged? Why Was It Shot With 1 Camera?

Viewers are eager to understand the unique choices in Robert Zemeckis’ 2024 movie Here, especially the reasons behind de-aging Tom Hanks and the decision to shoot with a single camera. As the film unfolds, the use of de-aging technology and a fixed camera introduces new layers of tension and intrigue, potentially altering the viewers’ experience. … Read more

Images from new Robert Zemeckis film Here feature de-aged Tom Hanks and Robin Wright

The first batch of images from director Robert Zemeckis’s new film Here feature Tom Hanks and Robin Wright Thirty years after playing out the tragic love story of Forrest and Jenny in Robert Zemeckis‘s Best Picture-winning Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks and Robin Wright have reunited for the director’s latest film Here, which Sony Pictures will … Read more

How The Ladykillers Kicked Off Tom Hanks’ Weirdest Year Two Decades Ago | Features

It’s a feeling most deeply felt in the aching reveal shared by Navorski and Warren. “So what am I seeing,” Warren asks Navorski, having just learned that he is not a delayed business traveler but a man without a country. “Who are you,” she further prods, “Unacceptable?” As Navorski, Hanks is kinetic. He relies on … Read more

Revisiting the Tom Hanks pop classic

One-hit-wonders are an unusual thing. There are endless examples of artists that create something monumental that blasts its way into the pop culture zeitgeist and temporarily enchants and captures our attention. Then as quickly as they came, they seem to disappear. That is the idea behind 1996’s That Thing You Do! Written, directed by, and … Read more

Tom Hanks admits on-set behavior partly influenced novel

With the release of Tom Hanks’ debut novel, he admits that his own primadonna behavior was a partial influence. Tom Hanks is generally considered one of the nicest and most authentic guys in Hollywood, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t had his share of primadonna behavior and antics. While promoting his debut novel, which took … Read more